It is without doubt that i ad this fromage fray to the understanding of what is percived to be Cabbage.
Largely innocuous in appearance this carniverous beast has layn in the shadows of consciousness mind from at least the 3rd week O.F. Recent studys of things have put its prominence in the conscious mind down to reflexoligy and the sudden up surge of nail bars,which have in themselves caused controvesey with there inability to be bar like in an engineering type situation.
The discovery of an original reet of ray in the outer reaches of inner middleburn,led to crises talkes between the inner sanctums of middle outerwhich and the middle columns of the self centered outer periphicals,leading to much grinding of teeth and cheese.
The up shot of this was the downturn on imports of non isostloic cabbages to the Center of Understanding & Morphanic Gizpots,thus ensuring the misunderstanding of all Cabbages threw all media and guarnteed misconception throughout public appearance whether TV related or not and varying celubrious infidels.
So to finalyz,what we originaly thought could have been seriously disingenuous undrecurrents in inner Cabbage society can now be seen as pure ' vol de la fantaisie' and can now be bannished to a small foolder marked 'Splent'.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Id like to take this oppotunity to not,which gives me more time to deliver the kind of things that cant by small ants...the likes of fridges,telling bowels and assorted tarantulas which are all in the catagory of 'very awkward' and would all be a hinderence to the forward motion of an ant,unless it had been expressly asked to deliver said items.
But i find the random asking of ants to partisipate in menial tasks distasteful and are usually a subterfuge for the additions and subtractions of irrational fractions that are now common currency in schools,newsagents,dusty drawers and trouser press factorys.
I bet you nothing at all if you reach into your pocket and rumaged around long enough you would find an irrational fraction lurking behind the bum fluff and loose change.Poke a stick up your nasal passage and on removal,stuck to the end will be an irrational fraction,take the Zard out of Zardos and you will find an irrational fraction bobbing around in a lake of fractionality pointing its irrational finger at an arc of space known only as smlet.
These are irrational days indeed,with fractions lurking on every street corner,just waiting for you to step into there way of thinking,bombarding you with pointless equations that warp the decimalisation of your life leaving it with no point.
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